Move Animation Studio

“I've just landed a big animation job creating a pilot music video for a children’s TV series. I'm bringing in a team of designers and animators and I'm hopefully able to dictate the style, which is amazing.

The reason I'm telling you this is because it all came from my Move branding and website! I've had some cool jobs come in since launching the new site but this has been a real big one. This is why I wanted to rebrand and its totally paid off with this job. So thanks again!”

Jason Harding – Director

“I thought I was going to get a bunch of buzz words and a shiny new logo but it went so much deeper than that. Going through your process made me really think about what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. I rediscovered why I fell in love with animation in the first place, so built my brand around joy and magic.”
— Jason Harding, Director

Call to adventure

Move Animation was competing with the bigger brands in quality, but its brand was letting it down. Jason contacted me to help strategically reposition Move to compete with the larger agencies in Brighton and beyond.

So, I set about:

  • Exploring and distilling Move’s reason for being, and the kind of impact it wants to make on the world

  • Leading a brand workshop to defining its brand values and personality traits

  • Developing a memorable strapline and positioning statement

  • Creating a brand story featuring a distinctive tone of voice

    So often, brand strategy is about asking the right questions, listening carefully and noticing the glint of gold amongst the rubble. I dug up some shiny, shiny gold during this strategic review.

Creative direction

I love working with designers that can transform my creative thinking into technicolour. Chris Pelling (, who came on board to bring the brand to life visually, is creatively brilliant and very funny – a dream collaborator. We spent several sessions throwing ideas around, and Chris delivered a number of exciting visual concepts. Our clear favourite was made up of playful shapes that moved and morphed to create new scenes.

We co-created a set of brand guidelines that gave clear direction on how to manage the visual and verbal brand, and I wrote new copy for the website.

Moving beyond the screen

It’s important that a brand becomes its own entity, existing beyond just a website and some presentation decks. To make sure that the new brand was coming to life in the community, I wrote a brand story that Jason and his team could adapt for different purposes. Now he can talk confidently about the Disneyland trip that sparked his passion for animation, and the journey to the creation of the Move Animation we know and love today.


Brighton Fringe